A moment of inspiration!


This image was part of a set of three, initially for a panel of three photography competition.  I had the idea in mind and had taken a photograph of the peeling blue paint work from one of the beach huts on Hayling Island.  The star fish, leaf and guinea fowl feather were all photographed separately and then transferred onto the blue wood in post production.  It was certainly a challenge making sure that the shadows were correct.  The set of images was called ‘Land, Sea and Air’.  I did produce another image along the same theme which used a dried seahorse that my girlfriend had brought back with her whilst visiting Malaysia for a friends wedding.  Environmentally, I am quite concerned that these lovely creatures are being caught and would much prefer to see live ones living in their natural habitat.

Here’s a little snapshot as to how I went about using the first two images.  The initial photograph of the peeling paintwork from one of the beach huts.  This has had minor alterations to contrast, blacks, whites, shadows etc in the RAW converter.  The second image of the starfish placed roughly where I was anticipating it being placed on the final image.  I used some planks of wood to rest the starfish on so that if the blending of wood grain was needed it would be possible to merge the two images together more easily.  Again, this had minor tweaks in the RAW converter.  As it turned out I was able to just make a selection around the starfish then using post production to place the starfish and blue background together.

I’m hoping I might get some more mileage out of the blue peeling paintwork background in future work.


“The simplest of objects in our own homes can make for the most marvellous of subjects”

Having been the dutiful boyfriend, I had purchased some creamy/white roses for my girlfriend for Valentines day.  We have this really nice brass coloured jug, which was just crying out for the roses.  The afternoon sun light was streaming in through the patio doors, so I dragged the blanket box over towards the window and began my bit of flower arranging.  With a little post editing, I wanted a more arty, painted feel for these images as a change from the straight shot.



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