‘One to one’ tailor made Photoshop tuition in your own home, using your own personal set-up that you are familiar with. Training to suit beginners through to lower intermediate level; based around South Hampshire.
Are you struggling to get to grips with any or all of the following; RAW files, the RAW converter; DNG files; layers; adjustment layers; histograms; brightness and contrast; lightening and darkening an image; dodge and burn tools; cropping an image; pixel ratios; saturation and de-saturating; converting something into black and white; achieving that gritty black and white effect; masks and selections
Ideally, it would be useful for you to pre-organise a particular image or small selection of photographs that you would like training in editing so that, you can be guided and learn how to edit and improve your images ready for sharing with friends, family or printing.
For beginners or photographers new to PhotoShop, I would recommend covering options A-E during a full day’s tuition. More can be covered if progress is more rapid or you would like to know how to use a particular tool or develop a new skill. You can pick and choose what you’d like to cover and learn about. So, whether it’s converting an image to black and white, removing blemishes or making selections, you can select the areas you would like to know more about which will help you to focus on your needs during your coaching session.
A. Adobe PhotoShop Basics
- Introduction to the main PhotoShop Tools
- An Overview of the PhotoShop Palette
- Navigating your way around the PhotoShop window
B. Adobe PhotoShop Layouts and Canvas
- Manipulating your layouts with Grids, Guides and Rulers
- Understanding size and dimensions (Print dimensions inches (Point size for fonts) and Pixels)
- Basic image editing (Resizing images, changing image resolution and changing image size whilst retaining quality)
- Image rotation techniques and cropping your image
C. Adobe PhotoShop Working with Colour / Black & white conversions
- Understanding and using background and foreground colours
- Types of colour and understanding the differences between CMYK; RGB; LAB Colour; Greyscale and Duotone
D. Adobe PhotoShop Layers
- Getting started with layers in PhotoShop
- Adding new layers, editing layers and moving layers up and down in the stack
- Blending Modes and their effects and working with opacity in layers
E. Adobe PhotoShop Retouching Images
- Getting started with the Clone Tool
- Getting started with the Healing Brush
- Grouping and ungrouping your images
- Red Eye removal
F. Adobe PhotoShop Selections and Selection Techniques
- Selection tools (using different selection tool options such as the Lasso; Magnetic Lasso; the Polygonal Lasso; Magic Wand and Quick Select tools)
- Feathering your Selections
- Manipulating Selections
- How to use the Quick Mask mode
- Saving selections for future use
G. Adobe PhotoShop Eraser and Paint & Gradient Tools
- Working with Erasers (including the background eraser and magic eraser)
- Using the Paint bucket for adding fill areas, editing and setting your colours
H. Adobe PhotoShop Brush Palette
- Painting with brushes (combining filters and brushes to create effects)
- Brush tips and tricks using opacity levels
Why not combine improving your camera skills followed up with some ‘one to one’ PhotoShop tuition for that complete beginning to end result. From taking the picture through to editing, you are sure to bring out the best from your photoshoot.