A Sunny Day & Creativity


Having faced grey skies for many weeks now; we were suddenly privileged to be bathed in glorious sunshine.  A late afternoon trip down to Keyhaven proved profitable as the afternoon sunshine felt nice and warm and produced that wonderful golden glow over everything.  As the tide retreated, I managed to capture a few shots of the waves slightly crashing over the rocks on the sea front, with the Needles visible in the distance at the West end of the Isle of Wight.  The view across the lagoon had Hurst Lighthouse looking more orange than white.  The Mute Swans appeared to be also enjoying the sunshine as they tucked into the reed beds.  Time for a close-up shot, rather than the traditional full swan image.  As the sun disappeared, the temperature started to drop and those cold fingers meant it was time to beat a hasty retreat back to the car.  The sea fisherman looked as if they were going to brave things for a little longer in the fading sunshine.


In eleifend nibh justo, nec mollis metus venenatis quis. Duis placerat nisl et lectus sodales, ac finibus magna fringilla. Cras laoreet lectus quis scelerisque sollicitudin. Fusce sed turpis tempus, tristique purus in, pellentesque sapien. Quisque fringilla lorem et erat tempor molestie. Nullam molestie ex diam. Sed vitae massa nec ligula tincidunt iaculis vel ut nisi. Aenean efficitur ex id maximus tristique. Curabitur sed enim a nunc ultrices faucibus. Sed gravida posuere libero id vestibulum.

Maecenas nec felis sed est tristique elementum vehicula vitae mi. Nunc sollicitudin nisl a orci gravida, quis sagittis velit ornare. Mauris eu metus dui. Sed maximus, odio in tempus pharetra, orci magna hendrerit eros, id dapibus ante velit vel ante. Vivamus pharetra eleifend commodo. Cras ut risus quam. Suspendisse lobortis mauris vitae odio tempor, ut pretium ligula imperdiet.

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